Event Detail
Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band
All Ages
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Show at 8:30PM
The term "Americana" is used to describe a wide range of bands these days but I can't think of a band that it fits better than The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band. The Rev. J. Peyton, his wife Breezy and drummer Ben Bussell are a living breathing embodiment of the traditions and hard work ethic native to their Brown County, Indiana home. These three are the real deal. There are no hipster affectations, just real from the heart music, handmade in the Southern Indiana hills, and they are 100% genuine. Their new album Between The Ditches is a chronicle of this lifestyle.
"Burn up some backroads, drive up to the store
They just don't make 'em like this anymore"
Rev Peyton's first introduction to music was his father's record collection of blues-oriented rock. At age 12 his father gave him a Kay brand guitar, eventually purchasing a Gorilla amplifier once he learned to play. And play he did. He became infatuated with pre-World War II country blues, and a desire to learn the finger-picking style of artists like Charlie Patton. A technique he mastered and employs like few others can. Fingerstyle refers to using each of the right hand fingers independently in order to play the multiple parts of a musical arrangement that would normally be played by several band members. Bass, harmonic accompaniment, melody, and percussion can all be played simultaneously when playing fingerstyle.
Keith Richards has said that the first time he heard Robert Johnson's recordings he asked "Who's the other guy playing with him?" Of course there wasn't one. When you listen to the songs on Between The Ditches you will be hard pressed to believe it is only one guitarist.